Where will you be in three years?

Register For An Information Session
Our 60-minute information session, led by a Northwestern Academy team member, provides an overview of the Morton Schapiro Northwestern Academy for Chicago Public Schools program, the application process, with time for a question/answer session at the end.
Our Students
263students grades 10+
$18,000 spent on average per student over the course of the program
40Chicago Public High Schools

Our Goals
To increase access and successful matriculation of Chicago Public Schools students to top-tier colleges and universities by providing personal enrichment, leadership development, college advising, and cultural and civic engagement.
88%the first generation to go to college in their families
86% families qualify as having limited financial means
Academics and Advising

Academic and Personal Development
Students attend workshops on weekends or during the summer that focus on developing and strengthening presentations, critical reasoning, and stress management.

College Advising and Guidance
Students receive in-depth and individualized college advising which emphasizes ownership and understanding information.