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How to Apply

How To Apply

Register For An Information Session

Our 60-minute information session, led by a Northwestern Academy team member, provides an overview of the Morton Schapiro Northwestern Academy for Chicago Public Schools program, the application process, with time for a question/answer session at the end.


Who Can Apply?

All Northwestern Academy applicants must demonstrate an aptitude for long-term academic performance, demonstrated by a strong high school curriculum and transcript. Applicants must also demonstrate motivation and willingness to engage in intensive learning experiences both in and out of school. All applicants must currently be enrolled in either 9th or 10th grade in a Chicago Public School.

Applicants must meet at least one of the following requirements:
  • First-generation in their family to attend a four-year college in the United States
  • Students from households of limited financial means (e.g., qualification for free or reduced price lunch, or an income of about $65,000 or less for a family of four)
  • Identify with a group that is traditionally underrepresented in higher education
Typical Applicant:
  • All A’s and B’s (3.3+ GPA)
  • At least two honors classes
  • Motivation and desire to take higher level classes
  • First-generation, limited financial means or underrepresented background

Application Process

Required materials

  • Student & family background information
  • Short writing prompts & one essay
  • One teacher recommendation (academic core class)
  • Academic record submitted by counselor (semester 1 grades)